Internationaler Tag des Waldkindergartens

03 May 2024
The International Summer School for Nature Educators will take place from 5 - 9 August 2024 at the Loutí Ecocentre near the Slopes Dam in the Czech Republic.
The event is organised in partnership with the "Children worldwide hand in hand" movement
03 May 2023
Show yourself! The forest and nature kindergartens worldwide show themselves on the world map.
Send your mail address to rauchzeichen@feuervogel.ch
03 May 2022
We are delighted to announce that the Woodkid Song is now available in Georgian on the video and as lyrics in Ukrainian.
03 May 2021
The ambassadors of the children of nature worldwide hand in hand have a video message for you.
The Woodchildsong is now available in 24 languages.The song is now also available in Italian, Spanish, Estonian, Romanian, Portuguese, Catalan, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Finland
December 2020
Online Weiterbildung mit Petra Jäger und Nature Flow
Mai 2020
Article with Petra Jäger in the magazin "Land & Leute"
16 December 2019
We are pleased to announce that there is finally an International Job Portal. There you can submit free job offers from the area of Forest Kindergarten, Forest Play Group, Forest School and similar nature educational institutions. You are looking for trained specialists, interns? Or are you looking for an international job in a forest kindergarten, or are you looking for an internship?
Then you are very welcome at the International Job Portal!
Willkommen auf der "global forest Kindergarten" Plattform
Welcome to the "global forest kindergarten" platform
Aus der Initiative heraus für den 1. Internationalen Tag des Waldkindergartens haben wir diese Plattform gegründet.
Die Plattform soll alle Naturgruppen weltweit aus der Wald-, Natur- und Wildnispädagogik dabei unterstützen, sich global zu vernetzen.
We founded this platform out of the initiative for the International Day of the Forest Kindergarten.
The platform is intended to support all nature groups worldwide from the fields of forest, nature and wilderness education to network globally.
Action Day 3 May 2024
The event is organised in partnership with the "Children worldwide hand in hand" movement
2024 feiern wir den Aktionstag mit dem Motto "Seeds and diversity" in Anlehnung an die Sommerschule in Tschechien vom 5.-9. August in Louti.
ONLINE-PROGRAMM: Internationale Sommerschule für Naturpädagogen und -pädagoginnen.
Wir freuen uns riesig auf die Zusammenarbeit der Bewegung "Children of nature worldwide hand in hand" und dem tschechischen Waldkindergartenverband Asociace lesních mateřských škol.
The song is now also available in Norwegian.
7 lecturers as video
Among them are Petra Jäger from Germany, Greg Sommer from the West Coast US, Gaye Amus from Finland/Turkey, Gunter Grün-Ostinga from Germany, Elisabeth Henderson from Scotland, Katia Hueso from Spain, Nadja Hillgruber from Switzerland.
They all speak very openly about the context in which they work in nature education and which workshop or lecture they will be presenting at the summer school.
We look forward to meeting you at the summer school and sending a signal of courage out into the world to inspire and motivate you.
Action Day 3 May 2023
Show yourself! The Forest and Nature Kindergartens worldwide show themselves on the world map. Click on the map
👉We would like to call on you to all add yourselves to the Forest Kindergarten world map so that we can show the wealth 💚 of our connected and networked activities.
👉Show yourselves! Of course, invite your forest kindergartens in your countries.
Together with you, we want to create it! This map is the big preparatory work for 2024, because we have really big plans again.
👉Show yourself! With 6 clicks you are part of it! Wouw, exactly! Very simple!
Send me your email address and shortly you will receive an invitation and you can add your location.
Send your mail address to rauchzeichen@feuervogel.ch
You like the initiative for the "International Forest Kindergarten Day" and would like to support our work?
You can support our work by purchasing our online course for forest kindergartens.
Thank you very much.
The Flensburg Forest Kindergarten under the direction of Petra Jäger celebrates its 30th birthday in 2023! We celebrate with you!
We congratulate Petra Jäger on this year's 30th birthday of the Forestkindergarten Flensburg. She is a great role model to all, as she has been a mentor worldwide in carrying this idea of Forest kindergartens forward since its foundation, full of enthusiasm, heart and passion.

Radio Interview from 3rd May 2023

Action Day 3 May 2022
We are so overjoyed! It's absolutely amazing that the song 🎵 I am a wood kid 🎵 has been viewed a total of over one hundred and twenty-three thousand times (123,000❗❗❗) since its release.
On3️⃣. May 2022 we will celebrate for the💚 5th time the day of action "International Forest Kindergarten Day" 💚!
The delicate threads of our network now reach into so many countries that we strengthen and consolidate our network with every year. This is our wish for this year as well: 🎈 the community of nature children 🌍 celebrates, sings, celebrates hand in hand worldwide so that our bond between humans and nature can grow.
For 29 years Petra Jäger with the Flensburg Forest Kindergarten in all seasons, wind and weather with the children in all seasons, wind and weather. Her work writes history in the hearts of the families.
Former children come as trainees or former parents fetch their grandchildren as grandparents. grandparents pick up their grandchildren in the forest. Petra is a real forest child with heart & soul!
Dear friends of forest kindergartens worldwide!
It is a gift that in 2022 we will be able to celebrate
the "International Forest Kindergarten Day" with you worldwide for the 5th time. Children of nature worldwide hand in hand - this movement has become more important than ever.
We met via Zoom Meeting. Find out from Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, French-speaking Switzerland, Chile, Czech Republic and Ladakh which projects they are currently working on.
Action Day 3 May 2021
It is a gift that in 2021 we will be able to celebrate
the "International Forest Kindergarten Day"
with you worldwide for the 4th time.
Children of nature worldwide hand in hand - this movement has become more important than ever.
In 2021 we will send videos from
the "Ambassadors of the Children of Nature" from their countries
Greetings from the ambassadors - Sowing hope and giving joy many times over
Action Day 3 May 2020
On 3 May 2020 we celebrate the 3rd International Day of the Forest Kindergarten. Also this year many nature children will be on the way in their countries and celebrate on this action day. The song "I am a woodkid" is now available in 23 languages.
We invite all institutions such as forest and nature play groups, nature and forest kindergartens, forest schools, nature schools and all those with children in nature to join us in celebrating this day of action.
We look forward to your feedback on how you celebrate the day. Write to us at globalforestkindergarden@gmail.com
In Zurich we celebrated a children's party on 3 May 2019!
"Nature Kids worldwide hand in hand" aims to connect all the nature kids of the world with a song. We were able to convince the musician, nature educator and kindergarten teacher Marius Tschirky from Switzerland to write this song.
The song can be played by everyone with the guitar in the forest. All notes and lyrics will be made available for singing.
The song is now available in 26 languages
Petra Jäger vom Waldkindergarten Flensburg hat zusammen mit dem digitalen Fachblatt „Nature Flow“ einen Online Kurs auf die Beine gestellt. Das digitale Fachblatt „Nature Flow“ ist unter dem Dach der Genossenschaft Feuervogel für Naturpädagogik in der Schweiz.
Uns ist es ein wichtiges Anliegen mit dem Kurs, die langjährige Waldkindergartenerfahrung aus über 25 Jahren anzubieten. Neben den erfahrenen NaturpädagogInnen, die ihre Fachkenntnisse auffrischen können, geht es uns auch um die jungen Menschen, die nun so langsam immer mehr in unsere Fussstapfen treten und durch den Kurs von der über 25-jährigen Erfahrung profitieren.
Der Online Kurs für Natur- und Waldpädagogik resultiert aus professioneller elementarpädagogischer Arbeit in der Natur, insbesondere im Wald. Das Basis- und Zusatzmodul erweitert und vertieft die Kenntnisse in Natur- und Waldpädagogik, speziell für das Arbeitsfeld Waldkindergarten / Waldspielgruppe.
Was erwartet die TeilnehmerInnen?
Die 10 Module, aus der elementarpädagogischer Arbeit in der Natur, sind so praxisnah und authentisch aufgebaut, damit Teilnehmer dieses Kurses direkt ins Handeln kommen können.
Petra Jäger hopes that the concept of the forest kindergarten will be spread more and more throughout the world. In addition, she dreams that more and more people will dare to change systems and that children will be able to learn in a way that
to learn in a way that is meant for them: with joy, curiosity and in freedom
The article appeared in May 2020 in Land und Leute
The Waldkindergarten Flensburg from Germany in cooperation with Feuervogel Genossenschaft für Naturpädagogik from Switzerland are the organiser of the International Conference from 3-5 May 2019 in Zurich/Switzerland. The lively, grateful and inspiring energy of the International Day of the Forest Kindergarten 2018 will be carried into this conference with all of us.
Review of the conference "children of nature worldwide hand in hand" with 200 participants from 24 countries in Zurich in May 2019
Multimedia articles with video, text and photos
Ambassadors of the nature Children
The ambassadors of the Children of Nature, who presented their expert knowledge in workshops at the International Conference in Zurich in 2019

"Nature Kids worldwide hand in hand"
Fotos aus allen Ländern dieser Welt sollen in einem großen Mosaik-Baum vereint werden. Dafür wünschen wir uns von allen Wald- und Naturgruppen, die sich weltweit daran beteiligen möchten ein Foto. Der Baum, der zum Schluss aus vielen, vielen kleinen Fotos besteht, soll global für die Naturkinder dieser Erde stehen. Der große Baum kann für eigene Zwecke als Plakat weiterverwendet werden - versehen mit dem Namen, Ort und Land des Waldkindergartens bzw. der Institution